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Opinion: The problem with rural housing in Ireland

The problem with rural housing is far reaching, writes self-build advisor John Corless, who says we need a change of mindset.

The issue with rural housing, and it has been for 60 years, is not just about self-certification. The issues blur into other areas and issues.

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The planning process in ROI is problematic, as is the systematic attack on rural Ireland since the 1970s.

The high percentage of homeownership and aspirant homeownership has been identified by many, yet nothing has changed. The property ladder is as enticing as ever.

Building methods is another problem: only blockwork is considered affordable and practical even though there are much speedier and more sustainable methods out there. 

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Feeding into this also is our (Irish people north and south) overall lack of style – preferring as we do the overly mundane and practical. Nod and wink politics is also a factor.

It is difficult to separate these issues as they are all intertwined and form the core and fabric of the whole house building industry.

Plus today, insulation is way more expensive than it should be, there is a shortage of labour, and our building standards do not reflect the wishes of the people or the practicality of their lives.

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John Corless

Written by John Corless

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