About one million customers will be refunded their Irish Water charges this autumn, the Department of Housing announced today (6th September 2017).
Domestic water services account holders with Irish Water will be automatically refunded by the utility, by way of a cheque. There is no application process involved. Customers only need to contact Irish Water if their details require updating. The Water Conservation Grant, which refunded €100 to paying Irish Water customers, was a standalone, separate grant for all households whether Irish Water customers or not. Its aim was to support conservation in the home and was distinct from domestic water charges. Therefore, the grant is not being deducted from refunds. Most customers are expected to be refunded in the region of €300. Legislation to allow for the refunds will be “published shortly”, the Minister for Housing Eoghan Murphy said in a statement. “Subject to the passage of this legislation, Irish Water will begin an information campaign to inform customers and the public on how the refunds process will work,” he added.Selfbuild Live is the ultimate showcase for people who are building, extending, improving or simply decorating their home. Selfbuild Live Dublin, 8th-10th September takes place in the Citywest Conference Centre.
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