
ROI planning permissions up 50 per cent

Over 50 per cent growth was recorded in the number of dwelling units that gained planning permission from Q1 2016 to Q1 2017, according to recent figures from the ROI Central Statistics Office.

The pace of one-off housing continues unabated, as self-builds accounted for 27 per cent of the units that gained planning permission in Q1 2017. Overall, one-off housing planning permissions grew 30 per cent over the same period. The alterations, conversions and renovations category shot up 106 per cent, more than doubling, to 763 planning permissions granted in Q1 2017. Extensions grew 5 per cent to 1,767 applications granted in Q1 2017. Also interesting to note for one-off houses is that the average floor area has only dropped 10 sqm since 2009. As of Q1 2017 the average floor area was 242 sqm. [powerkit_collapsibles] [powerkit_collapsible title=”Newbuilds” opened=”true”]

One-off housing granted planning permission by region, Q1 2017 (growth as compared to Q1 2016)

  1. Southern and Eastern                        776 (+24%)
  2. Border, Midland and Western         497  (+42%)
  3. Total ROI                                             1,273  (+30%)

Of which county councils with high growth, Q1 2017 (growth as compared to Q1 2016)

  1. Cork                                                        182 (+53%)
  2. Galway                                                     89 (+44%)
  3. Donegal                                                    82 (+91%)
Source: Central Statistics Office [/powerkit_collapsible] [powerkit_collapsible title=”Extensions”]

Number of planning permission granted for extensions, top regions Q1 2017 

  1. Dublin               550
  2. South-West      273
  3. Mid-East          200
  4. South-East       193
  5. Border               183
Number of planning permission granted for alterations and conversions, top regions Q1 2017 
  1. Dublin              296
  2. South-West     136
  3. Mid-East           76
Source: Central Statistics Office [/powerkit_collapsible] [/powerkit_collapsibles]

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Written by Astrid Madsen

Astrid Madsen is the editor of the SelfBuild magazine. Email

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