in ,

How do I register for my self-build address?

Q: I’m currently building my house but how do I register for my new postal address? 

A: In NI Building Control issues the new address after you’ve submitted your plans/application to your Building Control Officer.

In ROI An Post is responsible for creating a postal point for a new property – you need to ring their customer service to request a new address tel. 01 705 7600. From Ken’s comment below you can email An Post with subject line EirCode. The email needs to include your name, contact number, address of new house / which property it’s adjacent to.

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— Information gathered by the SelfBuilders & Home Improvers Ireland Facebook Group and checked by Selfbuild editorial staff

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Written by Astrid Madsen

Astrid Madsen is the editor of the SelfBuild magazine. Email


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